Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Descargar La revolución de la medicina personalizada/The Personalized Medicine Revolution: Como El Diagnostic Y El Tratamiento De Las Enfermedades Estan a Punto De Camibiar Para Siempre - Pieter Cullis .pdf

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In this persuasive and compelling book, Pieter Cullis argues that personalized medicine, also known as precision medicine, is the biggest revolution of our time. By replacing the current one-size-fits-all approach to medicine with medical treatment based on a patient’s unique molecular makeup, personalized medicine will radically change the role of doctors and patients and even the future of our species. Increasingly, instead of focusing on the treatment of chronic diseases, as they do today, doctors will focus on helping people prevent disease. The end result will be to dramatically extend and improve our lives, creating a minefield of practical and ethical issues. Written in clear, accessible language, the book explains what personalized medicine is, how it will change healthcare, and what it means for humanity’s future.
La revolución de la medicina personalizada/The Personalized Medicine Revolution: Como El Diagnostic Y El Tratamiento De Las Enfermedades Estan a Punto De Camibiar Para Siempre novela
La revolución de la medicina personalizada/The Personalized Medicine Revolution: Como El Diagnostic Y El Tratamiento De Las Enfermedades Estan a Punto De Camibiar Para Siempre - PDF eBooks Online Free Download
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